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What to Expect
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Each worship service at First Presbyterian is a medley of different styles. We sing traditional hymns with a resounding pipe organ, and also contemporary worship songs with a band. We have a time to read together prayers printed in the bulletin, and another time for spontaneously sharing individual celebrations. On any given Sunday, you might hear a Renaissance anthem in Latin, a heartfelt Spiritual, or a men's quartet; not to mention violin, mandolin, Celtic harp, conga drums, gospel-style piano...we've even had a bagpipe.


Whatever the mix of the day, the service is built around a time of "Gathering," a time for "Proclaiming the Word," a time for "Responding," and sometimes for Sacraments, and a concluding Blessing.


We "Gather" with a welcome and announcements, followed by a spoken "Call to Worship:" words which focus our attention on who God is and what God has done. We continue to focus on God with a hymn, a prayer, and three or four songs, before moving to a group "Confession," and the assurance that "in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven." We often have a choir anthem next, and/or a message for children, before the children are dismissed for Church School, and the adults take a moment to greet one another. At this point, we share some of the "Celebrations" of our lives. Individuals stand and tell what God has done, and together we thank God in prayer.


"Proclaiming the Word" consists of a reading from scripture, and a sermon to draw out its meaning and relevance to our lives.


We "Respond" by giving our tithes and offerings. We celebrate Communion, on the first Sunday of each month.



Frequently Asked Questions


What to Wear?

We are a community of believers in Christ and encourage you to dress as you feel comfortable.  Most attendees are dressed casually.



Will I be expected to give money when I come?

At each service we dedicate a time when we each consider how we will offer the gifts that we have, whether they are time, talents or treasures, back to God to be used broadly.   We pass a plate for collecting monetary donations for those who feel led to contribute that way. The focus is on us each considering how the Holy Spirit leads us as individuals recognizing we all give in different ways.  


Do you have a ministry for children?

At this time children are remaining with their parents during worship.  


Do you offer Sunday School for teens and adults?

Teens join their parents in the worship service.  We offer various Bible or book studies throughout the year that are open to all ages who are interested.  Some studies are directly connected to books of the Bible while others use various forms of literature or media.  


Want Other Information?

On Sunday mornings, we encourage you to fill out the friendship pad that will be passed down your pew during the service. Let us know how we can introduce ourselves to you. We have social gatherings, art classes, and crafting groups throughout the month that are open to anyone in the community. 

You can contact the church office at 310-832-7597.

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